聖殿將關閉以進行大規模整修。教會鼓勵成員在聖殿修繕的時候,於情況許可時,到其他聖殿執行教儀,並每天過著配稱進入聖殿的生活。 當聖殿整修完後,將會再次祝福整個區域所有成員的生命。
教會成員視聖殿為「主的屋宇」,是世上最神聖的地方,在那裡可以得到作為成員最重要和最榮耀的祝福。 聖殿跟教堂不一樣:教堂是進行安息日崇拜以及舉辦每週活動的地方;聖殿整週都會開放,但星期天會關閉。
Asia Temple Will Close for Renovation
Extensive renovation planned for the Hong Kong China Temple
The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has announced the closure of the Hong Kong China Temple effective July 8, 2019.
The temple will be closed for extensive renovation. While the temple is being renovated, members are encouraged to attend other temples, as circumstances permit, and to daily live their lives worthy to attend. When finished, the renovated temple will again bless the lives of members throughout the area.
Members of the Church consider temples to be the “house of the Lord,” the most sacred places on earth where the all-important and crowning blessings of membership are available. Unlike meetinghouses, where Sabbath worship and weekly activities take place, temples are open throughout the week and closed on Sundays.
To learn more about the Hong Kong China Temple, please click here.